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Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2

October 15, 2014. Gyrus Systems, a leader in the Learning Management Systems (LMS) industry is pleased to announce that our latest LMS Release, GyrusAim version r14.2 is now available.

This is our second major release of the year and contains more new features than any other update!  We continue to fulfill our promise of constant customer-driven product innovation.  In addition to significant performance increases based on a thorough analysis and optimization of the GyrusAim database, this release contains dozens of enhancements, several which are highlighted below.

b17d024c f51b 46e5 8973 d6a8473a2f45 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 MobileAim – In addition to the latest GyrusAim release, Gyrus Systems is launching a brand new product called MobileAim! MobileAim opens up a whole new world of mobile learning to our customers for FREE! It is currently available for beta-testing.  After your r14.2 upgrade, download a pre-release for Androids at Google Play or visit Apple’s App Store. We invite all customers to install the app for testing and checkout the exciting new capability of going mobile with MobileAim.  You’ll be hearing more about MobileAim in a dedicated News Release very soon with many more details.

These functions are currently available in this pre-release version:

  • ba4bf9e8 77e0 40eb 916f deb62844313a Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Individual Development Plan (IDP) Screen – Monitor your training & development.
  • a00d57b3 18d0 4fe7 a1b7 f3f5280a93ba Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Training for IDP Dashlet – Checkout what classes or eLearning are available.
  • 200a0f02 0c4b 4ffc 9e41 226edc6130a2 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Enrollments – Sign-up for classes directly from your device.
  • 1f380564 57d6 4dd3 90b3 2dae147b3bf7 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Assessments – Take an assessment and prove you know your stuff.
  • f6a1e0aa ecac 4f5b 9f59 b50b80206ec2 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 eLearning – Play eLearning courses and gain skills while on-the-go.

GyrusAim Highlighted Features

9d07edca 5182 45ce 91a6 7103190dbdfd Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Pending List – A very useful addition to GyrusAim that allows for the storing of a list of students interested in a course, even if no classes yet exist for the course.  These students can be added to a course either by managers, or by the students themselves on the course catalog.  When enough students are signed-up, they can be enrolled directly from this list to classes for very easy full-cycle enrollment management of students.  If a student’s enrollment is cancelled they are moved back to the Pending List.  Coming soon is a Pending List report to show a list of courses by number of students on the Pending List for even easier management of enrollments.

d8ebf4f6 be07 4d71 86eb ace3795d046b Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Twitter Dashlet – A brand new dashlet has been created that can be linked to a Twitter account.  This feature is designed to allow a company to display its Twitter information directly to users on their dashboard, thus always keeping them informed of the latest updates.  Combined with the existing Message Center feature, keeping employees up-to-date with the latest company information has never been easier.

ee684ce6 f92b 4aba 82d9 b0de624d3b73 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Google Analytics – The ability to deeply analyze all GyrusAim web-traffic is available via the new Google Analytics integration.  The integration works by connecting the GyrusAim site to all of the capabilities of Google Analytics.  The reporting possibilities are nearly endless.  For example, using this new feature, the ability is now available to analyze the most popular eLearning courses based on user-access count, hours spent, and more!  Please explore these possibilities by reading more about Google Analytic here.

285bcf9e 77da 48d4 aed8 877928630f03 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Reports – Lots of new reports have been added directly to the GyrusAim interface, located exactly where you need them in: assessments, certifications, classes, costs, courses, employees, evaluations, jobs, learning objects, questions, organizations, ratings, resources, roles & permissions, and skills. These reports list out the data in each of these areas, thus enabling you to easily verify it during implementation or for ongoing maintenance of your training data.

84610492 1490 4237 86b5 394866202279 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 EMail – EMail enhancements added in Manage My People and IDP allow managers to click an icon and email learners a list of unobtained skills.  This new function, combined with the ability to create personalized email notifications creates an extremely easy method by managers to remind their users of skills that still need to be obtained.

aa108b5d ac4e 428e 8eae fcc3ada11c24 Gyrus Systems LMS Release 14.2 Help – New Help icon added and with better visibility and more helptext available!  Help is constantly being added, but in this version, a special effort was made to expand the available help topics.


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