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6 benefits of Artificial Intelligence in LMS Platforms


Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in LMS Platforms

It’s an exciting time in the world of online learning and training. Technology is constantly evolving and adapting to boost everyday efficiency and productivity. It has given us the power to connect from around the globe and bridge gaps as soon as they appear. One such advancement is the rise of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven LMS can improve the overall effectiveness of your training program. AI brings along precision and automation, which can increase the efficiency of learning and development function significantly.

Artificial intelligence can execute tasks that otherwise would require human intervention. With a smartly developed AI algorithm, your LMS can categorize employees according to their skillsets and improvement areas through an automated constant assessment of their performance. It enables you to build intelligence from the learning behavior of your workforce.

Learning is a two-way process. Essentially it requires the active involvement of trainers and trainees. In today’s market scenario, it is not completely feasible. Employees expect learning at their comfort. They expect a personalized yet non-intrusive learning program. They expect an engaging learning program. On the other hand, the organization expects employees to complete training on time and pass the assessment. They expect automated reporting and real-time insights. To fulfill these constantly evolving requirements, you need a program that evolves with time. You need a learning management system that gets smarter and more intelligent by consuming user behavior data. Artificial Intelligence can facilitate all of these seamlessly. AI-empowered LMS gets smarter and more intuitive with more amount of data it processes.

What does the future fold for Artificial Intelligence in eLearning? When it comes to conducting training, it is a no-brainer that personalized training can lead to better learning outcomes. However, creating personalized learning experiences for a workforce of a few thousand employees is not humanly possible, and it is here that Artificial Intelligence comes into the picture. The following are ways in which the use of AI in LMS platforms can benefit both, trainers and trainees:

Intuitive Content

Imagine implementing a world-class LMS and rolling out large scale training programs for your workforce just to realize that employees are not enjoying the training. Even worse, not completing their training modules appropriately. This is very likely to happen if your training content is not engaging enough. If your LMS doesn’t support intuitive content, the whole purpose of investing in LMS gets defeated.

The incorporation of AI in LMS will enable the customization of learning content by following the user’s learning style. This can ensure that the learner is engaged more closely and thus foster a greater interest in the training exercise. Moreover, with the help of translation tools, the same module content can be translated into different languages, which can prove to be beneficial for multilingual teams. In this way, the learning experience can be optimized for every trainee on an individual level.

Virtual Tutoring

While most LMSs provide the option of both, instructor-led-training as well as module-based training, AI can take this experience further. AI-enabled virtual tutoring tools can facilitate interactions between trainees and tutor-bots by simulating voice conversations or generating holograms or avatars. This substantially automates the training delivery process and minimizes human involvement in the same.

Customization of Learning Experience

Different learners have different learning speed and style – some may be slow learners but high retainers, some may prefer to run through the content multiple times, some may prefer to listen to the training content while some may prefer to read it. AI enables the customization of learning experience to ensure that people can undertake modules at a pace and manner that suits them.

Chatbots-Assisted Learning

While taking training sessions, a trainee is bound to have several doubts. The incorporation of an AI-enabled chatbot can be used as a preliminary touch-point for resolving such doubts. Moreover, NLP-powered self-learning chatbots can train themselves over some time to record different doubts, so that the next time a similar doubt is raised, the bot can provide the answer instead of highlighting the doubt to the trainer.

Automation at Scale

The essence of technology is to reduce human effort. And AI is one of the best inventions of mankind in that direction. Think of doing tasks like onboarding, categorization, module distribution, assessment, analysis, reporting, certification, etc. manually. Now, imagine AI managing all of it automatically on its own. Such automation on a large scale can improve the cost-efficiency of training function by manifold. AI-driven automation works as a support system, relieving you of mundane tasks so that you can focus on more important things.

Training Data Monitoring

AI algorithms can analyze trainee behaviour over different training modules and throw up insights about the effectiveness of the training program, what parts of the content were retained by most learners and which ones could not be, and so on. These insights can be used to improve the existing module content.

Training Module Recommendations

Based on the possible interests and skills (and skill-gaps) of every employee, AI-enabled LMSs can pop-up personalized recommendations of different training modules that trainees might be interested in or might need to take to improve their performance on the job.


Gamification is not new to LMS. Many organizations have used it as a tool to make learning more interactive. It has risen in popularity in the last decade. Integration of AI can improve gamification more relevant and intuitive, improving the learning experience even further.

There are numerous benefits of converging Artificial Intelligence with LMS. From the way content prepared, to training delivery, communication to learners, personalized learning tracks, automated reporting, role-based access, the benefits of AI can range much. With AI, organizations today can now personalize the learning experience to a whole different level. AI has proved to be a strategic partner of companies for transforming their training function, virtual education, and skill development, and the element of training and development function.

The above are ways in which the incorporation of AI-enabled features within an LMS can help make the learning experience better. Our GyrusAim LMS platform comes up with a host of AI-powered features. These features are designed to recommend training sessions to users depending on the user profile, usage, and activities. Such recommendations are offered based on data collected regarding the completion of assigned training, identification of common factors in overdue training attempts required to complete training modules, and assessment results. Thus, our LMS helps in customizing learners’ experience to make training more interesting and impactful.


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