Competency Ratings

Learners and their managers often find it difficult to perform simple task monitoring in their working environments. The Gyrus Competency rating feature is an easy-to-use tool integrated with your learning platform, allowing you to create your rating systems for skill level obtainment and observe how your learners and team members perform their tasks in a quick-to-configure checklist format.

Track competency in different skills and closes the gap between online and on-the-job training (OJT). It streamlines the process of validating that employees have the skills, knowledge and competencies to get the job done on different levels—and tracks it all automatically to ensure your records are always correct and up to date. The competency rating feature is built to support business and regulatory compliance efforts—and with the addition of the administrator role to the LMS, competency ratings can be completed by a peer, supervisor, manager or independent third party.

The competency rating feature takes the work out of tracking and studying how well your learners can apply their training to complete the tasks and procedures needed for their role at different skill level. The process is simple: learners indicate when they're ready for their review within the LMS, it's marked as such and added to the administrator’s queue—they just have to login and record the results. And because "on the job" doesn't always mean "near a company given computer," ratings can be done anytime, anywhere on any device.

You as a Super-admin can easily create competency ratings in multiple formats (e.g. single choice, multiple-choice, dropdown, and other response types) for users to fill for themselves or other users in the platform or for managers to complete for their team members. This tool gives you an at-a-glance view of the status of users progress related to certain tasks (inside or outside of the platform) across a specified period and enables you to monitor users compliance with certain requirements that you may have in your everyday on-the-job processes.

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4 Ways to Use Competency Ratings

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Learners and their managers often find it difficult to monitor and rate knowledge and training requirements. This typically comes due to a lack of easy-to-use tools integrated into their learning platform; here are 4 ways of deploying the competency rating to leverage the learning platform effectively.

  • Monitor and ensure users’ compliance training requirements or processes are met.

  • Quickly check on how users perform specific job-related tasks, and whether they comply with organizational process requirements.

  • Monitor the status of user progress related to certain tasks inside or outside of the learning platform.

  • Observational evaluation: Ensure your learners are following what they’ve learned beyond formal training. Are they applying it on the job? In a sales training context, a new salesperson has completed a course on how to make a sales call. Once the course is completed, their manager could refer to a customized rating system based on that course to determine whether the learner has successfully put the acquired knowledge into practice on the job.

Stay organized and aligned with what your workforce is doing every day and simplify your organization’s training needs. Try Competency Ratings, alongside all of the latest features of GyrusAim, today.

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